Friday, 3 July 2009

IF: Shaky

I hate birds singing in the very early morning, cause usually I went to bed very late. So when I saw this week's topic, this picture just popped into my mind.

Every one has a good weekend!


  1. Very nice illo! Great style!

  2. Oh! This is charming. I'll be back to look around some more later ... put the kettle on!

  3. this is funny cause our cat sits at the back windo and watches the birds out's funny to watch her cause she dosn't make a noise but her mouth is open and every time a bird flys by or makes a move her lips shake hahahahahaha

  4. simple and very beautifully drawn...I really like!

  5. :) very funny & I really like the image!

  6. This reminds me so much of my cat! Great concept and rendering!

  7. Charming illo!!! Love your style!

  8. it's a monotype (and some vectorgraphics) isn't it? i love so beautiful and rich textures! your cat is just fabulous!

  9. Yeah, like a previous posts said, it reminds me of my own cats, very fujnny. :D I really like the simplicity of the illo - it's very effective.

  10. Thank all of you very much for your nice words!

    To krisztina maros,
    Yes, it was an ink drawing on paper initially. Then on computer, I re-drew it by using Corel Painter and combined it with colours and textures previously made in gouache on paper. Thank you for your question!
